The GlassLand Project

- The Union of Glass Waste and Coastal Restoration -


The GlassLand Project is a New Orleans based recycling inititaive to collect the region's waste glass, divert it from the landfills, and process it into sand-glass for use in restoring our coastal wetlands.


  • The initial goal of the project is to establish an ongoing program to educate the public, the business community
    and government officials about glass recycling; attract vigorous support for the effort; and motivate residents to
    participate fully in proper disposal.


  • The secondary goal is to develop the local facilities to process and deliver the glass to restoration sites from
    Cameron to St. Tammany parishes -- in support of the restoration industry's efforts to preserve our coastal ecology and protect the fishers, farmers and others who make their living on Gulf shores.


The ultimate goal is to establish a model for the nation and a world whose coasts everywhere are in jeopardy.


"Return a bottle ... rebuild an island."




Disposal - Collection - Processing - Delivery - End-Use







Restoration projects

The Library

Educational programs